With an average annual increase of 8.7%, over a 7 year period funeral costs have increased from about £1,920 to £3,091. In line with current trends one can expect this to have gone up to almost £5,000 by 2018.
So that these rising costs can be avoided you can pay in advance for your funeral. Personal Wills 4 U have introduced clients to Golden Charter, the UK’s leading independent funeral plan provider, to allow them to plan ahead for their future with the 50+ Funeral Plans.
Golden Charter, which represents over 2800 independent funeral directors in the UK – the largest network in the country, is a registered provider with the Funeral Planning Authority and the only funeral planning company recommended by the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF). They abide by a strict code of conduct.
Any money paid towards a 50+ Funeral Plan is paid into the Golden Charter Trust or to one of the UK’s leading life assurance companies. This means that the money is managed independently of Golden Charter.
The main benefits if you take out a 50+ Funeral Plan are:
- Choosing exactly the funeral that you want, deciding everything in advance if you wish (even down to the kind of music that you like);
- Protection against rising costs with the cost of the funeral director’s services frozen at today’s prices and thus saving money for your family or your estate;
- Peace of mind for you and your family;
- Flexible ways to pay – either in a lump sum or by instalments.